Study Group Cancelled? Top Reasons Why You Should Create An Online Study Group!

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We all know the importance of learning how to study effectively (especially if you’re a college student) and being a part of a study group. But having a backup plan in place if you can’t meet can be just as important. So, that’s where online study groups come into play!

Here are several reasons why I think that you should get into a virtual study group.

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Benefit 1: You Can Study From Anywhere

One of the biggest perks of having a study group online is that you can work (essentially) from anywhere. This works out because as long as you have a decent internet connection, being out of town or having transportation issues, wouldn’t affect your ability to meet with your team.

Benefit 2: It Helps You To Understand Subjects Better

This next benefit applies to not only online study groups, but to study groups in general. And that benefit is that your comprehension of the subject will improve.

This is because being a part of any group (or team) allows you to work with many other people. And with every person comes different perspectives, original thoughts, and new techniques.

So, they may be able to explain a topic in a way that you can understand better or even teach you how to study more effectively.

Benefit 3: Online Study Groups Are Time Conscious

The third perk of virtual study groups is that they make the most of everyone’s time.

For instance, let’s say that you don’t have a very flexible schedule one week because you are going on a trip. So, you are worried because you know that there is no way for you to make it to the meeting. But, if you all create a virtual group and pick a designated meeting time, you all would still be able to have a study session, bounce thoughts off of each other, etc. Even if this means that you are studying with them while you are in the airport.

Also, being in an online study group saves more time than a traditional group because you don’t have to wait for everyone to make it to the meeting (in the since of travelling). So, it’s ultimately the most time conscious way to studying.

Benefit 4: It Holds You Accountable

It is so easy to be irresponsible while attending lectures because the main focus is on the presenter. But the whole dynamic changes when you are in a study group because you are in a more intimate setting. So, the focus shifts from them (the presenter) to us.

And accountability increases even more when you have to teach a topic to your group. So, if you don’t show up, or fail to give out the correct information, you’re letting your group down.

However, accountability is even higher in online study groups because it is so much harder to have legitimate reasons to miss the session.

The only reasons why you could miss the meeting is because you were sick, didn’t have a device capable of connecting to the internet, or didn’t have internet access. And, in the of chance that the latter two reasons, a trip to a local cafe, library, restaurant, or (sometimes) even a store can fix the issue.

Benefit 5: It Makes It Easier For You To Review

Depending on the services you use, having an virtual group can make it easier for you to record and share the session. This could make it quicker for you to review information for a test or to go over information for a final. Also, this might be helpful if you are an auditory learner or don’t have enough time to look over any notes that you have taken.

Related: Quick Guide On How To Create A Successful Online Study Group

Hopefully, you enjoyed learning about the benefits of online study groups!

Happy Studying!

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