Cheap and Easy Breakfast Ideas for under $5

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Your mind might instantly jump to breakfast when I ask you to think of an inexpensive meal that you can make. But, other than your usual breakfast, you might be at a lose at actually thinking of any cheap and easy breakfast ideas off of the top of your head.

So, I’m going to tell you seven cheap breakfast ideas that you can try.

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You might be wondering, “What is the cheapest breakfast food that I can make?”.

Well, one of the most inexpensive and easy meal ideas that you can try is oatmeal. And the best part is that you can dress it up any way that you want too!

One of my favorite ways to eat oatmeal is by adding in some chia seeds, cinnamon, and peanut butter. But if you want to add something like fruit, nut butter, flaxseeds, or milk, go ahead!

Another great way to prepare your oatmeal is by making overnight oats.

Breakfast Burritos

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A cheap breakfast idea that would work for students (and those with a physically active job) is a breakfast burrito. It’s filling, full of protein, and very inexpensive to make (especially when you buy the ingredients in bulk).

For my breakfast burritos, I like to put in sausage, eggs, pepper, and (sometimes) potatoes. But, if you want a meatless alternative, you can try something similar to this vegan breakfast burrito.

Breakfast Smoothie

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Breakfast smoothies are the epitome of quick and easy recipes. Just toss in the ingredients of your choice, add it to your blender, and, viola!, you have a great-tasting smoothie.

Here are some delicious recipes that you can try out!

Beans and Toast

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This UK staple is another cheap and easy breakfast idea that you can try. And all you need is some bread and baked beans to make it. However, if you want to jazz it up a little, you can add in some onions, spices, cheese, or even your favorite meat/meatless substitute.


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An inexpensive and healthy meal that you can cook for breakfast is an omelette. Just load it up with your favorite fillings such as cheese, peppers, onions, tomatoes, and spinach.

Greek Yogurt and Fruit

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Another quick and easy recipe for breakfast is Greek yogurt. This tangy yogurt works well with fruit, nuts, seeds, granola, and more.

It’s very high in calcium and protein, which will help to keep you full throughout the morning. And it’s also a great source of calcium.

French Toast

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Another cheap and easy breakfast idea that you can try is french toast sticks. You’ll likely just need these six ingredients: eggs, sugar, milk, bread, cinnamon, and maple syrup.

But if you want an actual recipe, check out here.

Hopefully, you enjoyed this post about budget friendly breakfast ideas. Which one will you try?

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