8 Life Lessons Of A Young Adult (Advice That You Need To Know)

pexels photo 3625023 - 8 Life Lessons Of A Young Adult (Advice That You Need To Know)

Hey everyone! I just wanted to make a candid post today. Sometimes being a young adult is the most freeing time of your life because you have the option to pursue opportunities and experiences that may be harder to do during other stages in your life. Like you might decide to pack up your belongings and move across the country (or even to another continent), and no one would be phased.

However, on the flip side, being in your late teens to early thirties can be the most confusing time of your life because it’s the time where you are becoming YOU. It’s the time when most people are trying to figure out things like:

  • What do I want to do with my life?
  • Is what I’m doing actually making a difference?
  • Am I satisfied with what I’m doing with my life right now?

Along with a whole host of other things. But these bittersweet moments will teach us life lessons that we can learn and grow from in the future.

Life Lesson #1: You Can Only Go As Far As You Want To

The reality is that you ultimately determine how successful (or unsuccessful) you will be in life. It’s inevitable that you will face hardships in life, but the ultimate test is how you deal with it. So, take the chance to be your own cheerleader, push through, and continue to strive for the goals that you are reaching for because this motivation and drive will get you to where you want to go.

"You can only go as far as you want to." Click To Tweet

Life Lesson #2: Never Give Up

On that same note, another lesson that I think that everyone should hear, not just young adults, is to never give up. Life is going to throw you curve balls regardless. Ultimately, it just depends on how you react to the situation.

Are you going to let this issue hold you back? Or are you going to try again? Just know that setting goals that’ll help you achieve your objectives and determination will get you far in life!

"Never give up." Click To Tweet

Life Lesson #3: Learn To Understand Yourself

I believe that this word of advice is one of the most important that you’ll ever learn. I know that it sounds silly, but during this time, it will be best to learn about yourself. Figure out your values, passions, trigger points, and other important self-defining attributes. This will help you to understand what you want to do in life and can help guide you to where you want to go.

"Learn to understand yourself." Click To Tweet

Life Lesson #4: Follow Your Passions

As an extension of the same lesson, when you truly understand yourself, you will also know what your passions are. And the greatest time to start pursuing those passions is in your young adult years! Why you may ask? This is the best time because you are likely to have fewer responsibilities, more free time, and you can even make it your career.

And if you’re trying to find out your passion, try asking yourself some of the following questions:

  • What is something that you gravitate to all the time?
  • What do you do enjoy doing in your free time?
  • What would you spend your time doing if you could get paid to do anything you wanted to?
"Follow your passions." Click To Tweet

Life Lesson #5: Let Go Of Toxic People

Let’s face it, this life lesson can be one of the hardest things for most of us to do because this can (ultimately) lead to the end of a relationship. So, we continue to keep these people in our lives because of guilt and the fear of how they would react if we distance ourselves from them. However, by continuing to keep those people in our lives, we’re agreeing to be drained, used, and manipulated. So, ultimately, the best thing to do in a toxic relationship is to let them go.

"Let go of toxic people." Click To Tweet

Life Lesson #6: Never Stop Learning Because Learning Never Stops

Something that I learned in my twenties is that your education does not stop when school ends. There is always going to be something more than you can learn in life. Whether that’s learning how to maintain your car, build your credit, fill out your taxes, shop for meals, build your resume, or even how to interact with others in a professional setting.

Also, I want you to note that post-secondary education isn’t the only way to gain more knowledge about different topics. There are always different individuals, books, videos, articles, courses, and other credible sources that you can gain knowledge from.

"Never stop learning, because learning never stops." Click To Tweet

Life Lesson #7: Learn How To Listen

Another life lesson that is crucial for everyone to learn is how to listen. This is because doing so can get you very far in life. And if you learn to do it well, you will begin understand people more and what they are actually telling you.

You might learn about a problem that someone is facing and might be able to help them. Or you might even realize that the body language of the other person doesn’t match what they are saying.

So, take this time to learn how to improve your active listening skills.

"Learn how to listen." Click To Tweet

Life Lesson #8: Learn The Importance Of Saving And Investing

A final word of advice that I feel like every young adult should know is how to learn how to save and invest money. This is because learning how to use your money effectively can teach you great saving and investing principles, while also setting you up for a great future.

If you want to learn more about finances and saving, I would suggest you watch some of the following Youtube creators:

"Learn the importance of saving and investing." Click To Tweet

Hopefully, you enjoyed learning about these lessons of life! Tweet a life lesson or words of wisdom that you would tell your younger self and use the hashtag #dolivestudylifelessons.

Happy Days!

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