4 Techniques That Will Prevent You From Being Burned Out

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I think that we’ve all encountered a time where we were exhausted and unmotivated, but we probably didn’t think to much about. However, the most surprising thing is that you might have actually been burned out.

And the effects of this mental malady is no joke! Which is why raising mental health awareness about it is really important. So, I wanted to talk a little more about it.

What Is Burnout?

Well, according to this article, when you are burned out it is usually because you are overworked, overwhelmed, and have been stressed out for a long period of time. Which means that you are, essentially, completely drained and exhausted. Some common signs and symptoms of burnout are fatigue, insomnia, irritability, and a loss of enjoyment.

Some other burnout symptoms are:

  • Lack of focus
  • Forgetfulness
  • Feeling hopeless
  • Health issues (increase in illnesses and physical symptoms)
  • Anxiety
  • Detachment
  • Lack of productivity

Source: Psychology Today

And the interesting thing is that everyone is susceptible to it. So, you might start to experience burnout from work or, if you’re a student, you might experience burnout in college.

So, here are four techniques that will help you to prevent burnout.

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Ways To Prevent Being Burned Out

Schedule In Breaks

There’s nothing wrong with accomplishing your goals, getting work done, and finding out how to be more productive. However, it’s important to remember that you are human, and you need a break too! Your break can be something as simple as taking a nap. Or, scheduling a time to destress and pursue your hobbies and passions.

Doing this is key to preventing burnout in the future.

Set Work Goals And Time Management

Learning how to set goals and prioritize your time can help you avoid burnout too. Creating SMART goals help you to know what you need to do, why you need to do it, and how to accomplish it.

Optimizing your time is also helpful because it allows you to organize your schedule and prioritize what is important to you. Some ways that you can do this is by creating a list, trying the Pomodoro method, or choosing a few important tasks to focus on for the day.

Learn How To Manage Stress

If you are dealing with stress and happen to know what triggers you, then you’re at a good starting point. From there, all you need to do is try to figure out ways to manage stress so that you won’t be burned out in the future.

Some ways that you can relieve stress is by taking a walk, writing in your journal, doing some stretches, or using relaxing breathing techniques.

Say No

I think that anyone who has dealt with being burned out or exhausted before know the benefits of this tip. And that is to just say no.

However, in order to do so, you need to first recognize that you have limitations and know that you can’t do it all. Otherwise, you’ll become irritated and frustrated because you’ll be wondering why you’re not reaching your goals.

It is also equally important to communicate this to others after you’ve come to this conclusion. Just let them know that you won’t be able to take on a project or task at the moment because your plate is full. And that you would be willing to help our either at a later date or time.

By saying no, you are being preemptive and making sure that you will never have to deal with being burned out in the first place.

I hope that you enjoyed reading this post! Which technique are you going to start implementing?

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